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Ebola Virus Is A Global Treath

Scientist warns the deadly and highly contagious Ebola Virus could spread within three weeks across U.S. and China. A 50% chance a visitor to UK carrying the deadly Ebola Virus could be there on October 24, 2014 and go unnoticed,mixed with the general population a team of U.S scientist have predicted.

A 75% chance that Ebola would hit the French shores by October 24, 2014. Belgium has 40% chance of getting hit by the disease, however Spain and Switzerland have 14% each.

This estimated was based on the Ebola spreading patterns and some airline traffic data across the globe.

Ebola Virus is spreading West Africa rapidly, with an estimated of 3,400 people have died, and an estimate of 7000+ have been infected.

France have a higher risk of getting infected next, since the countries which include Guinea, have a busy travel links with France.

Great Britain on the other hand lies on the target path of Ebola since London Heathrow Airport known as one of the world's biggest travel hubs have a direct and busy travel link to Nigeria.

Research suggests that many more infected people might bring the Virus to Europe without anyone knowing it.

Some airlines like the British Airways and Emirates have cancelled flights to the most hit region but other airlines continue their service on the affected regions.

The World Health Organization have no announcement of travel restriction but only advising people to stay away from the most infected countries.

Ebola is transmitted via bodily fluids and is most aggressive when they reach the terminal phase.

The Virus final attack on the body causes bleeding both internal and external. The person suffers extreme vomiting and diarrhea all of which contains very high concentrations of the Ebola Virus.

Symptoms usually emerge between 2 - 21 days upon infection, most people will not know they even got infected as the early stage of the virus show no signs at all.

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