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NukonSiMaam has all the rights to change any of this Terms and Conditions anytime. NukonSiMaam and its authors work very hard to provide you with the most up-to-date informations, and well written content. However NukonSiMaam and all its authors makes no representations and warranties of any kind (expressed or implied) on the accuracy, reliability, suitability of information presented here. 

This means that if we present tutorials and howto's for example in medical field, there's no guaranty that the information provided will work for you. Please don't blame us if injury occurred upon following and applying our howto's, in any case seek professional advice.

As time passes by information provided here becomes less accurate, for example if we had a tutorial on travel and hotel prices, maybe in a day or two those prices have already change. But our aim is to provide you with accurate information at the time of publishing. 

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